Thyrea Living Lab: A Regenerative Agriculture Initiative in North Kynouria
Highlights from the Thyrea Living Lab workshops
Thyrea Living Lab: A Regenerative Agriculture Initiative in North Kynouria Highlights from the Thyrea Living Lab workshops Μπορείς να διαβάσεις την Ελληνική έκδοση αυτού του άρθρου εδώ. [...]
Catalyst 2030 – Greece Chapter
Catalyst 2030 - Greece Chapter The Academy of Entrepreneurship as a member of the Catalyst 2030 Greece Chapter Catalyst 2030 is [...]
BECBA – The ‘Kosovar National Report on the state-of-the-art in agricultural waste management systems and circular practices in rural areas’ is now available!
BECBA – The 'Kosovar National Report on the state-of-the-art in agricultural waste management systems and circular practices in rural areas' is now available! [...]
GOV4ALL: Our first Horizon Europe Project!
New EU Project about Unlocking Regenerative Soil Practices Through Rural Innovation
GOV4ALL: Governance and business models for living labs: rural regeneration hubs for tackling soil health challenges in the Mediterranean region (New Project) New EU Project about Unlocking Regenerative [...]
Catalyst 2030 General Assembly – May
Catalyst 2030 General Assembly – May Our Movement Governance & CCW Celebrations The Catalyst 2030 General Assembly (GA) is the space [...]
Building skills for sustainable growth: Unleashing your entrepreneurial potential in the Agri-food sector
Building skills for sustainable growth: Unleashing your entrepreneurial potential in the Agri-food sector “Gjorche Petrov” in Kavadarci High School - Entrepreneurship Training in Athens [...]
GYM: Greening Youth Minds (New Project)
New EU Project for providing environmental and sustainability-related knowledge to youth
GYM: Greening Youth Minds (New Project) New EU Project for providing environmental and sustainability-related knowledge to youth The environmental situation is [...]
BIO LABS GREECE Circular economy workshops In the framework of the European project BECBA- Boosting Employability through Circularity of Bio-waste in [...]
News from the BECBA Project!
News from the BECBA Project! Boosting Employability through Circularity of Bio-waste in Rural areas Project Overview Objectives BECBA aims to [...]
CarboFarmHub: Carbon Farming Awareness Hub (New project)
CarboFarmHub: Carbon Farming Awareness Hub CarboFarmHub, an Erasmus+ project promoting cross-border knowledge networks Climate change is a global problem that poses [...]
GreenSkills Rally
GreenSkills Rally Workshop για την κοινωνική και πράσινη επιχειρηματικότητα Στις 13 Δεκεμβρίου, η Ακαδημία Επιχειρηματικότητας οργανώνει το GreenSkills Rally, ένα εκπαιδευτικό workshop [...]
BECBA – The ‘Albanian National Report on the state-of-the-art in agricultural waste management systems and circular practices in rural areas’ is now available!
BECBA – The 'Albanian National Report on the state-of-the-art in agricultural waste management systems and circular practices in rural areas' is now available! [...]