EU Projects

The Digital Scaling for Social Enterprises: Empowering Impact and Innovation (DIGI SEII) project funded by the EU under the SMP-COSME 2023-SEED program, aims to equip social enterprises (SEs) and their support organisations (SESOs) with the digital tools and skills they need to scale and enhance their impact.
RES-MOVE, an EU Project funded by Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), addresses the challenge of migrant integrationto employment and social inclusion by promoting access to coworking spaces, where migrants can connect with opportunities, networks, and resources, thereby enhancing their employability and societal contribution.
RESMOVE seeks to make use of the unique potential of collaborative spaces, transforming them into hubs of inclusive integration for migrants. By promoting diversity, innovation, and social cohesion, we aim to create a more dynamic and inclusive labor market across the European Union.

GOV4ALL (Governance and business models for living labs: Rural regeneration hubs for tackling soil health challenges in the Mediterranean region) is a Soil Mission project funded by the EU. Coordinated by SAE Innova, it will deploy a bottom-up participatory approach with the establishment of five living labs across France, Greece and Spain. These living labs will test and validate soil solutions and lead to the creation of rural regeneration hubs designed to provide services and business models tailored to local contexts and stakeholder needs.
The project will connect farmers, scientists, NGOs, policymakers and the public towards a vision of an agricultural system that can generate income for rural communities while protecting natural resources, with a focus on regenerating the soil.
Skills4AI is a European Project aiming to develop awareness of artificial intelligence among teachers, trainers and learners so that they are able to 1) understand the importance of a technology that is spreading fast in all the sectors, 2) know for which purposes it is and will be used, in service and production companies, communication, leisure… 3) develop a critical thinking regarding how it influences our personal and civic lives. Skills4AI will help educators to forecast and implement AI for pedagogical purposes.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a crucial facet of the ongoing transformation fueled by digitalization, global real-time networking, and the automation of productive processes. Recognizing Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions as pivotal sources for supplying the frontline workforce, the PAIC project (Promoting Artificial Intelligence Competences in VET) endeavors to offer programs that integrate AI-related competencies for producing graduates equipped with skills aligned with the dynamic labor market.
Greening Youth Minds
GYM wants to provide the youth organizations and their youth workers with needed background of knowledge, ability and skills that make them able to effectively promote and support young people’s commitment in the environment protection field in order to empower and support them in leading and initiating green actions.

CarboFarmHub is set to transform the agricultural landscape by fostering an understanding of carbon farming practices. Our mission is to increase awareness and enhance the skills of young citizens and farmers, enabling them to address the challenges and seize the socio-economic opportunities.
At CarboFarmHub, we aim to create a network of awareness hubs in various countries, enriching the rural identity as a driver of environmental and social innovation.
Allon I3
European regions, especially less developed ones, are facing many challenges that could be easily overcome by interregional alliances to support the creation of new European value chains. The Smart Specialisation Strategies are at the centrе of this approach. The result of this approach can improve the competitive advantage of the regions supporting their capacity building.
The main objective of the project Alliance on Interregional Innovation Investments (Allon_I3) is to increase the capacity of regional innovation ecosystems in less developed regions to collaborate in EU value chains.

UPWELL Project (Teachers UPskilling for WELL-being in multicultural classrooms) focuses on Professional Development and Teacher Self-Efficiency in Multicultural Classrooms in order to improve teachers well-being, and consequently provide a safe and inclusive space for the students.
The training program is based on Professional Development in Multicultural Classrooms (PDMC) an effective way to upskill teachers by providing them with a learning opportunity to understand the complex characteristics of diversity, see it as a powerful and rich resource for teaching and learning, enhance critical thinking and improve the teaching environment.
Buy Social Europe B2B
The Buy Social Europe B2B initiative empowers Mainstream Enterprises and Social Enterprises to find each other and forge sustainable trade partnerships. We map the ecosystem, gather data, share knowledge, and support each other’s growth. We are also raising awareness and creating a strong business case for social procurement.


ENTREPUBL (ENTREpreneurial skills in the PUBLic sector: a digital approach) aims at developing entrepreneurial thinking in the public sector in the European area. More specifically, the project seeks to develop a comprehensive training path to enable public servants to think differently about their role in the organization, handling problems and challenges as potential opportunities while seeing themselves as active contributors to their organisations, thus developing their ‘sense of initiative and entrepreneurship’ in their work.
Furthermore, focus is given on practices to implement digital solutions that can improve the operational efficiency of public institutions. In order to achieve that, the project partners will engage VET trainers and VET providers, so as to design an educational package that meets the needs of public sector employees with regards to digital skills development focused on entrepreneurial learning to be offered by VET educators and in general trainers of public institutions.