The role of the trainer (Part 3)
The role of the trainer (Part 3) by Niina Halvorsen Previously on the role of the trainer: To deliver an [...]
The role of the trainer (Part 2)
The role of the trainer (Part 2) by Niina Halvorsen In the previous article about the role of the trainer, [...]
The role of the trainer (Part 1)
The role of the trainer (Part 1) by Niina Halvorsen In any training program, the role of the trainer is [...]
Join the MOVE-UP Alliance!
Join the MOVE-UP Alliance! The Alliances are a core activity of the MOVE-UP project to support engagement and long-term cooperation to support women (re)access training [...]
INCLUDED – Promoting Inclusive Employment in the GLAM Sector through Open Innovation
INCLUDED - Promoting Inclusive Employment in the GLAM Sector through Open Innovation Survey on the requirements, gaps, and needs for inclusive employment in the GLAM sector [...]
Μικροένταξη μεταναστών: Εργαλεία για εκπαιδευτές και εκπροσώπους της αγοράς εργασίας
Μικροένταξη μεταναστών Εργαλεία για εκπαιδευτές και εκπροσώπους της αγοράς εργασίας Η Ακαδημία Επιχειρηματικότητας σας προσκαλεί στην εκδήλωση «Μικροένταξη μεταναστών: Εργαλεία για [...]
ENEU – Empowerneurship for Newcomers in Europe
ENEU ENEU - Empowerneurship for Newcomers in Europe aims at making self-employment a viable option for migrants and displaced people in transition [...]
Closing the COMPETE! project
Closing the COMPETE! project In November 2021, the idea of creating a serious game for educational purposes has become a reality with [...]
COMPETE! – Updates on the project implementation
COMPETE! – Updates on the project implementation COMPETE! (COMPetences for Effective labour markeT Entry!) has the objective to help boosting soft skills [...]
EXPRESS online training event
Register to the EXPRESS online training seminar - support services for migrants/refugees self-entrepreneurship EXPRESS Europe is an initiative promoting exchange of best [...]
MiMi – Migrants’ microintegration into work and social life
MiMi - Migrants' microintegration into work and social life MiMi (Migrants' microintegration into work and social life) is a European project that [...]
COMPETE! – Research results are now available!
COMPETE! – Research results are now available! COMPETE! (COMPetences for Effective labour markeT Entry!) is a European project that has as general [...]