2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Athens

On June 22nd and 23rd, we had the pleasure to host the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the MOVE-UP project at the premises of Academy of Entrepreneurship in Athens. It was an inspiring experience with the main purpose of analysis of the work done and goals-setting.
MOVE UP aims to develop a flexible upskilling pathway for women with experience of motherhood, offering the opportunity of assessing, validating, and further developing their professional competences, with focus on the Personal, Social and Learning to learn competence (PSL).
The partners who honored us with their participation were: RIDAP, APEFA Aprendências, FORMA.Azione Giove In Formatica, die Berater Unternehmensberatung, European Association for the Education of Adults – EAEA.

Day 1
The first day was full and productive. After the welcome and the quick overview of the agenda, the first priority was the state of the art of the project activities including the update of the workplan and the monitoring of the project budget.
The next topic was the Outreach strategy. The implementation and the reporting phase was presented by the project partner RIDAP and then all national teams participated in the presentation and discussion of the plan for implementing the Outreach strategy at a national level.
The next steps were the monitoring of the first results of Quality Assurance activities and the presentation of the Impact evaluation framework. On this topic, the partners discussed on impact evaluation criteria and indicators, according to national context, study, existing data and researches and shared their next steps.
Following, the partnership had the opportunity to virtually meet guest speakers from Greece who each presented their topic related to the empowerment and reintegration of mothers in education and the labour market through employment and (social) entrepreneurship.
Two of the organizations that honored us with their participation in the meeting are already members of the MOVE-UP Alliance.
You can learn about the MOVE-UP Alliance here!
Speakers & presentation topics
- Natasa Grigoraki from Women do business: “Mother as a single parent: Challenges and empowerment”
- Pinelopi Theodorakakou from Women on top: “Reintegration of mothers into the labour market: the ‘Ready for Work again’ case study”
- Georgia Pantiora from HIGGS: “Women and creation of/employment in social enterprises. Opportunities and barriers”

After the lunch break, the partners discussed about the MOVE-app platform, guided by Academy of Entrepreneurship.
Lastly, the final topic of the day was dissemination and exploitation, on which the partners shared their activities so far and APEFA and EAEA presented the next steps.
Day 2
The first topic of the second day of the meeting was the Self-assessment and Evaluation Toolkit, about which all the partners discussed of the workplan, activities and methodologies and reviewed the self-assessment tools.
The next useful point of discussion was the project development, including SWOT analysis among partners coordinated by AKEP.

This productive meeting came to an end by planning the next activities and project’s deadlines and arranging the next transnational meeting online.
Follow the Social Media pages of the project, to stay up to date!