SOSUSK project – Newsletter 2

The main aim of the SOSUSK project is to provide social and green entrepreneurship skills and competencies to NEETs and youth.

The SOSUSK training programme is comprised of 7 modules, developed by the SOSUSK consortium:

  • M1: Legal framework of Social and Green Entrepreneurship in the partner Countries
  • M2: Creation of a Social Business Plan/guidelines of an online plan presentation
  • M3: Creation of Financial Plan and access to funding opportunities
  • M4: Entrepreneurship and climate change
  • M5: Ways of adopting Sustainable Development Goals in the entrepreneurship sector
  • M6: Presentation of EU policies related to entrepreneurship
  • M7: Pitching: How to present ideas

Read below our 2nd Newsletter to get more information about our E-Learning toolkit its pilot testing in all partner countries and during the transnational training for youth in Poland:

The SOSUSK project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and was approved by the Greek national agency for youth INEDIVIM (project code: 2021-1-EL02-KA220-YOU-000029015).

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