Sign up for the MIVA workshop!

Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash
Organization Earth, in collaboration with the Academy of Entrepreneurship, offers a free Capacity building workshop.
The workshop aims to develop intercultural competences to members of the host community, so as to better understand and support third-country nationals’ community integration.
Workshop themes
- Cultural awareness & Interculturality
- Prevention of discrimination,
- Social inclusion and equal access,
- Experiences, approaches, tools and practices for the social integration of migrants
- Intercultural mediation,
- Skills mapping, etc.
Participants will have the opportunity to interact and expand their network during the workshop through interactive exercises, exchange of experiences and open discussions, assisted by the trainer.
Workshops Dates, Time & Language
- Tuesday, 6/7/21, 10.00 – 14.00 / in Greek – completed
- Thursday, 8/7/21, 10.00 – 14.00 / in Greek – completed
- Tuesday, 27/7/21, 10.00 – 14.00 / in Greek – completed
- Thursday, 29/7/21, 10.00 – 14.00 / in English- completed
- Wednesday, 25/8/21, 10.00 – 14.00 / in Greek
- Tuesday, 14/9/21, 10.00 – 14.00 / in Greek
Duration: 4 hours per workshop
Workshop location: Educational Association of Athens «HFAISTOS», Tsiller 61, 11144 Athens (near Metro station ‘Agios Eleftherios’ – Green line)
The workshop is addressed to:
- Professionals working in the field of migrants’ integration
- Executives/Employees of organizations that actively support the effective integration of migrants in the host country
- All those who are interested in developing their intercultural skills.
Trainer: Vasileios Tiliakos, MSc
Vasileios Tiliakos is a social worker and a social pedagogue with twenty years’ experience in the field of mental health, child protection, community development, residential and foster care, minorities’ empowerment and integration. He currently works as a supervisor of teams who provide care to unaccompanied children and people with severe mental health difficulties and pilots innovative integration projects. His academic interests focus on the implementation of Social Pedagogy in practice, storytelling and reflective practice, negotiation of identities and integration.
Participation fee: Free of charge!
Though due to current COVID-19 restrictions, seats are limited per workshop. Secure your spot by filling in the registration form.
Workshops are implemented in the framework of the MIVA project (Migrants’ Integration through Volunteering Activities) that is funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
For more information, please contact: or call at +30 210 3313690
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