News on TREND project

TREND (Training Refugees in Entrepreneurial skills using digital devices) is a European project coming slowly to its end. Its objective is to help migrants setting up their own business.
The project aims to:
- Build on skills that refugees bring to Europe, job creation through self-employment
- Make visible what refugees have to offer through mobile profiling with multi-media micro CVs
- Provide training materials/content focused on the needs of refugees using a blended learning approach
- Apply the ‘train the trainers’ concept to virally increase the number of entrepreneur trainers with skills to train refugees
- Provide trainers with attractive tools using mobile learning techniques
- Linking trainers and refugees using digital communication devices (mobile and web applications)
- Promoting entrepreneurship as job creating solution
- Raise awareness of the enormous potential of positive impact refugees can have on society and thus change attitudes towards refugees in society
The partners of the consortium are in the process of uploading the final versions of the training courses related to entrepreneurship, after they have been tested by 3 trainers from each participant country, during the training activity in Kiel (November 25-29 2019).
The online course will soon be available at:
AKEP is organizing a Multiplier Event on 18th May 2020 at Serafeio venue in Athens to showcase the outputs of the project and other interesting topics on entrepreneurship for migrants/refugees in collaboration with NGOs and trainers that work on migrants’ integration.
Stay tuned for more info!