Register to the EXPRESS online training seminar – support services for migrants/refugees self-entrepreneurship

EXPRESS Europe is an initiative promoting exchange of best practices allowing for the integration of young migrants through (self-)entrepreneurship.
This training seminar has the objective to give project partners and their local networks the opportunity to deepen learning and exchange on key elements for a successful support service dedicated to migrants/refugees willing to become entrepreneurs.
The 2-days event will take place online on:
- September 8th, 2021, 10.00 – 14.00 EET (9.00-13.00 CET)
- September 9th, 2021, 10.00 – 14.00 EET (9.00-13.00 CET)
The online training event will include interventions from stakeholders of European Institutions, breakout sessions to present best practices at EU level, virtual study visits in Belgium and open discussions.
Check the detailed agenda below and register!
In this framework, participants will:
– learn and discuss more in depth about local/national and European practices;
– take a specific insight into practices from Belgium;
– receive inputs from EU-level experts;
– encounter EU policy-makers to better situate their own actions at local level in a European policy perspective;
– jointly work on and define a model facilitating the creation and/or strengthening of local networks of actors supporting the integration of migrants/refugees through (self-)entrepreneurship.
Register by Friday, September 3rd 2021 to secure your spot! You will receive the link to connect to the online event after the registration deadline.