Trend – Training Courses

TREND (Training Refugees in Entrepreneurial Skills using Digital Devices) is a European Union funded initiative that aims at helping refugees set up their own business. This is done by training the trainers working with refugees on entrepreneurship issues and helping inform refugees on how self-employment is a viable option for them in Europe.
This project answers to the following needs:
- There are not enough entrepreneurial trainers with skills to train refugee entrepreneurs
- Existing entrepreneurship training is not well suited to meet the needs of potential refugee entrepreneurs
Getting in the last phase of the project, all the training courses related to entrepreneurship have been uploaded on the project’s platform. The final step will be to upload the French and Arabic versions of the courses.
You can access the TREND courses here:
Academy of Entrepreneurship is also planning the realization of the Multiplier Event in Athens, shaping a rich agenda on issues related to migrant’s entrepreneurship and employability in collaboration with partners of our network and local NGOs working with migrants’ integration and social inclusion.
Due to COVID-19, the event initially planned for May 2020, has been postponed. The new date of the event will be announced soon- Stay tuned!