The Academy of Entrepreneurship is a new member of Innovation Greece!

We are glad to announce that the Academy of Entrepreneurship joins the Innovation Greece association. Through our collaboration, we aim at assisting with activities and know-how for the sustainability and social development of small and medium sized enterprises in Greece.
Innovation Greece is an association of innovative companies with a common mindset, which strives to integrate innovation into everyday practices, new products and services. Its goal is not only to promote positions to state bodies but mainly call out to business and financial entities, flexible and eager to adopt the same vision:
- to be extrovert in all areas both thematic and geographic,
- to produce mutually beneficial partnerships,
- to facilitate the exchange of expertise and knowledge in new fields, and
- to engage financing operators both in Greece and abroad to examine and finance new innovative services and products.
We are very happy to be part of this incredible team and contribute through our actions to the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Greece, supporting the diffusion of innovation and the promotion of entrepreneurship for small and medium enterprises.
Learn more about Innovation Greece here:
More exciting news to come!