Self Regenerate: Training Manuals

Download the training manuals of Self Regenerate EU project!
Partners developed the Curriculum & Trainer’s Manual and Handbook of Trainers to let trainers become expert enterprise and business English coaches, as well as, the Training Manual for Learners to let students become local entrepreneurs.
All manuals are finalised and available at the project’s website under the section ‘RESULTS’. In this section, students and teachers will also find 10 tutorial videos that explain the project and the methodology that is used, a combination of the Bridge Model and Business English.
Regarding the pilot testing of the project’s outcomes, the Academy of Entrepreneurship contacted VET schools and had a first virtual meeting with teachers who are interested in being part of this activity. The Academy of Entrepreneurship will offer a free training to all teachers involved in pilot activities at the beginning of September. Then the pilot testing with VET students will follow. In this way, the Academy of Entrepreneurship will guide and assist the teachers to implement the project results, assuring that they get the most out of them and enhance the VET schools curriculum with meaningful activities for students’ future endeavors.
Finally, the second newsletter is uploaded on the website of the project under the section ‘News’. You can give a look at how the consortium dealt with the uncertain situation caused by COVID-19, and what has been achieved so far.
Self Regenerate is a European project that focuses on the creation of a practical methodology for VET (Vocational Education and Training) institutions and students, and combines entrepreneurship coaching and Business English. This will enable students to create their own enterprises locally, and later on, to become successful international entrepreneurs.
For getting the manuals and more information, you can visit