Promoting Well-Being in Inclusive and Digital Education: A Successful Erasmus+ KA1 Training

Empowering Teachers for Engaging and Effective Digital Learning: A Training Program in Athens by the Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Erasmus+ Framework

People working together

The Academy of Entrepreneurship recently conducted a successful training program titled “KA1_Well Being in Inclusive, Engaging and Digital Education” as part of the Erasmus+ KA1 initiative. The program, held from July 7th to July 12th, 2024, in Athens, Greece, brought together seven teachers from the “Josif Josifovski” school. This training aimed to enhance the teachers’ skills in digital education and student engagement, focusing on their well-being.

Training Overview

Throughout the week, the teachers participated in various sessions designed to improve their approach to digital education. The training covered key topics, including:

  • Wellbeing in Digital Education: Methodologies and techniques to ensure the healthy and motivating use of digital tools in teaching.
  • Flipped Classroom Approach: Strategies to engage students in digital learning and transform traditional teaching attitudes.
  • Fundamentals of Digital Teaching: Essential aspects of creating and delivering online course content effectively.
  • Engaging Teaching Tools and Methods: Innovative tools and methods to enhance engagement in digital education.


The Academy of Entrepreneurship extends its heartfelt gratitude to the esteemed trainers Alessandro Carbone, Aimilia Markouizou Gkika, John Bethanis, and Andreas Stefanidis. Their expertise, dedication, and insightful sessions significantly contributed to the success of the training program. The Academy also thanks the teachers from “Josif Josifovski” school for their active participation and commitment to professional development in digital education.

This training not only equipped the teachers with advanced digital education skills but also fostered a collaborative spirit that will benefit their students and the broader educational community.

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