PAIC: Promoting Artificial Intelligence Competences in VET
New EU project for incorporating AI in vocational education and training

Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a crucial facet of the ongoing transformation fueled by digitalization, global real-time networking, and the automation of productive processes. Anticipated trends suggest that by 2020, AI will handle approximately 85% of communication with business customers. Furthermore, by 2025, robots are expected to replace 25% of the workforce, and over 60% of e-commerce businesses are projected to integrate AI into their platforms to meet the evolving demands of international trade and emerging markets.
Recognizing Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions as pivotal sources for supplying the frontline workforce, the PAIC project endeavors to offer programs that integrate AI-related competencies. This is crucial for producing graduates equipped with skills aligned with the dynamic labor market. To address the new challenges in this evolving labor landscape, VET teachers and trainers themselves require training, available online, blended, and at a distance, to comprehend the impact of AI and cater to the emerging needs of their students.
To achieve these objectives, the project partners have united their strengths, expertise, and experiences to develop the PAIC project. This initiative aims to respond effectively to the current demands for innovative digital training services and offerings. The project’s goals include:
- Enabling the creation and adaptation of open curriculum models for incorporating AI into vocational education and training.
- Transferring competencies about machine learning algorithms to students in real-life working situations.
- Disseminating knowledge to users, enabling them to associate real business problems with machine learning algorithms.
- Expanding information knowledge to incorporate and promote innovative strategies in the VET system.
- Spreading practical knowledge and the use of digital tools among VET systems, learners, and entrepreneurship.
- Enhancing the importance of AI competences for VET students, thereby increasing employability.
The anticipated project results encompass the development of an AI VET curriculum, an interactive online platform with AI learning tools, and a significant impact on VET students regarding AI topics. The project also aims to enhance pedagogical competences of VET educators, foster collaboration between VET colleges, academics, training providers, and innovators, and introduce a new innovative VET curriculum for yearly teaching programs. The ultimate goal is to expand knowledge and strategies for boosting the efficiency of the teaching process and the overall VET school system. The PAIC project emerges as an innovative solution to address the challenges faced by both education and businesses in the rapidly changing landscape influenced by AI and technological advancements.
The project consortium consists of 7 partners from 5 European countries:
- Šiaulių techninės kūrybos centras (Šiauliai Tech)
- European Projects and Training OOD (EPT)
- Šiaulių technologijų mokymo centras (ŠTMC)
- Izobrazevalni center Geoss d.o.o.
- Academy of Entrepreneurship (AKEP)
Target groups
- VET teachers/trainers
- VET organisations
- VET schools
Project results
- AI solutions in the curriculum for VET
- Testing AI curriculum and methodology for VET Trainers
- Piloting training and validation of the AI curriculum
Stay tuned for more interesting news about the project!