EUROTHON project – Newsletter 2

EUROTHON is an Erasmus+ project that aims to mobilise youth to become more engaged in their communities. The project offers training resources and practical tools to youngsters in order to equip them with knowledge and instruments to bring positive change in their communities.
Partners have developed 3 interesting and useful results:
- 5 training modules on topics around active citizenship: How to become a changemaker, United in Diversity, Save the planet, Social entrepreneurship is the way, Be an EU ambassador.
- The EUROTHON online area: the e-learning platform of the EUROTHON training, together with the interactive map ‘TANGIBLE and INTANGIBLE heritage in Europe’ to discover our EU heritage
- The EUROTHON toolkit: A set of good practices, golden rules and useful information on how to promote EU values and European opportunities for youth
Check below the latest newsletter of the project and follow our EUROTHON channels!