COMPETE! – Updates on the project implementation

COMPETE! (COMPetences for Effective labour markeT Entry!) has the objective to help boosting soft skills of young people and their employability through the creation of a videogame.
Project results
Based on the results of the research on soft skills for employability and a study on gamification and serious gaming for education and training, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR) developed the COMPETE! serious game which is currently being tested in different partner countries. It has the objective to contribute – together with other learning activities proposed in the training package – to the promotion of the key competencies that were identified through the research phase of the project (creative problem-solving, effective communication, stress management and teamwork).
The online game is based on an experiential learning approach. It contains two essential components of a serious game – storytelling and the use of metaphor. Players are given the opportunity to assume roles that may be inaccessible in the real world, to observe and take decisions. This process is supposed to stimulate reflection which should, in turn, enable the learner to draw conclusions and think about how this newly acquired knowledge could be applied in other scenarios.
The game is available in English, Danish, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Lithuanian and Spanish.
The COMPETE! Toolkit /Training package and game guide has also been completed. The training package is the general framework in which the game is embedded and where it plays a key role, together with other didactical materials and approaches.
The COMPETE! Toolkit wishes to bring an impact for teachers / trainers providing them with open and innovative resources to approach the issues of soft skills in the classroom, offering a true perspective of what the expected labour market is, but also aimed at intercepting interest of students and graduates on these specific skills that can facilitate their entry into the job market.
Download the COMPETE! Training package and game guide:
Project news
Following the creation of the ‘videogame for competent adventurers’ the COMPETE! consortium organised an online ‘Train the Trainers’ activity to get trainers and professors acquainted with the concept of videogames as pedagogical tools, and at the same time present the game and the training package that accompanies the game.
During the 3-days training (February 21-23, 2022), trainers and professors from Italy, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, Belgium, and Denmark had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the notion of videogames as a teaching strategy to allow learners to gain, reinforce and nurture their knowledge on specific topics.
You can find more information about the training activity and the feedback of the Greek trainers here.
As the COMPETE! project comes to its end, a final conference will take place on the 31st of May 2022 in Barcelona with the objective to highlight some results of the project and compare them with other realities and practices in different EU Member States, in order to contribute to the development of a European framework of training for young people.
Find more information here.
Stay tuned for more news about COMPETE!