SOSUSK project – Newsletter 3
Our project SOSUSK – Social and Sustainable skills for young NEET population started in November 2021 by 7 countries Greece, Croatia, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania and Poland with the main aim of providing social and green entrepreneurship skills and competencies to NEETs and youth.
The project has made great progress so far, with its latest milestone to be the creation of the E-learning Toolkit.
The first week of July, between 3rd and 7th July, the LTTA took place in Warsaw involving a group of 26 NEETs who had the possibility to develop a entrepreneurial mindset in the social and green sector and to test the e-learning toolkit in order to give their feedback.
Read below our 3rd Newsletter to get more information about the Transnational Training Activity in Warsaw and find out the next steps:
The SOSUSK project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and was approved by the Greek national agency for youth INEDIVIM (project code: 2021-1-EL02-KA220-YOU-000029015).