ENTREPUBL Project – 1st Newsletter

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The ENTREpreneurial skills in the PUBLic sector: a digital approach (ENTREPUBL) project aims at the development of entrepreneurial thinking in the public sector in the European area.

The project seeks to develop a comprehensive training path to enable public servants to think differently about their role in the organization, while seeing themselves as active contributors to the organisation they work, thus developing their ‘sense of initiative and entrepreneurship’ in their work.

Focus is given on practices to implement digital solutions that can improve the operational efficiency of public institutions.  In order to achieve that, the project partners will engage VET trainers and VET providers, so as to design an educational package that meets the needs of public sector employees with regards to digital skills development focused on entrepreneurial learning to be offered by VET educators and in general trainers of public institutions.

The project partners have completed an invigorating kick-off meeting hosted by SPW Emploi – Formation  and led by Bantani Education in Namur, Belgium in order to meet each other in person, plan the project’s implementation, and gain inspiration from one another.

Kick-off meeting in Namur, Belgium

The next meeting was online in March 2023 where the partners reflect on the project achievements in the past six months and engage in meaningful discussions about the next steps required for successful implementation.

As part of the project, Local Labs were organised in six countries to invite VET trainers and public sector stakeholders to participate in collaborative discussions to co-shape and co validate the EntrePubl Methodology concept.

In addition, the Approbation Training for VET trainers took place from 13th-15th June 2023 in the beautiful city of Bologna, Italy in order to equip VET trainers with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively implement the EntrePubl methodology and modules. The feedback was very positive and the training was a great occasion for exchange of views, peer learning and equipping practitioners with skills and knowledge on how to instill an entrepreneurial mindset to public sector employees.

Have a look here!

Coming Up

The next phase of our project implementation is the finalisation of the comprehensive EntrePubl course on the eight core competences including Creativity, Ethical and sustainable thinking, Self-awareness and self-efficacy, Taking the initiative, Working with others, Mobilising resources, Financial Literacy, and Information and data literacy. The modules will then be translated in all partner languages.

Afterwards, the project partners, under the guidance of the Academy of Entrepreneurship, will work on the creation of the EntrePubl digital space, which includes the Community of Practice (CoP) and MOOCs area.

Check the 1st EntrePubl newsletter below (in English and Greek) and follow us on social media to stay up to date!

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